
Marxism is Not Revolutionary Enough - Sermon by the Founder of Crossroad of Truth

Marxism is Not Revolutionary Enough - Sermon by the Founder of Crossroad of Truth

Marxism is not Revolutionary Enough,

How to Build a Better World

 The young people in North America want a revolution. And they have chosen to fight for Marxist values and teachings of social theory in order to bring “Social Justice” and “Equity” to groups of similar people who call themselves “oppressed”. They believe that individuals do not deserve rights apart from the group and therefore the fundamental freedoms that our country was founded on, such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion should no longer be allowed. The people who believe this theory of political thought think they need a revolution to remove these freedoms and they think this will make the world a better place. I say, this is not revolutionary enough. It is short-sighted and fails to use any level of intellectual thought or knowledge of history to address the deep root cause of society’s problems. If you want to make the world a better place through revolution, then you should learn from and imitate the world’s greatest revolutionary leader and the greatest rebel of human history, Jesus Christ. For he not only described the problem, but He provided the solution, and He was killed for it, but not without turning the world upside down and changing human history more than any man.

For all the talk about sociological improvement that many people and governments seek, whether it’s social justice, equality, eliminating poverty and the like, all these seemingly noble efforts are futile if one does not recognize the fundamental problem of mankind. This problem is that the heart of humans is sinful, broken and evil and Jesus said that we require a “new birth” of our soul before hope and improvement can take place in a person’s life.

If you want to make the world a better place, you must first make the individual a better person, and stop believing you are a victim of others and past societies. You are only a victim of your own sinful, self-centered and ignorant heart. Life is about individual choices and taking personal responsibility for our actions and our soul through a relationship with God, not in relying on the government and group rights. There is such a thing as absolute truth, and Jesus said that He and the Bible perfectly represented truth, and He also said that we are all in bondage to sin and lies, and only His truth can set us free.

Our founding fathers of the US and Canada understood this, and ensured that even though individuals may not choose the way of God’s salvation, they nevertheless would be protected by government laws and freedoms that represented Biblical standards of morality and truth. When an individual’s character is shaped by Biblical values, there is often no need for government social assistance and societal counselling on personal issues. Our country was founded on the love of God, love of country and love of neighbor, and patriotism instilled the desire of our citizens to protect these principles at any cost, even war. The US declaration of independence, written by Thomas Jefferson after great thought and debate, stated that:

·         “it is a Self-evident principle that the Creator has endowed man with certain unalienable rights,(cannot be taken away) among which are the right to life, liberty (freedom) and the pursuit of happiness.

The founding fathers of the US and Canada believed that all men are created equal, but today we hear confusing and deceptive terms such as Social Justice and Equity. These terms sound noble at first, however, the definitions of these concepts that being promoted do not mean what they imply. In fact, the meaning of these new terms are the opposite of the Biblical and Constitutional meanings of similar words and are therefore what the Bibles calls the “doctrines of demons”, designed to create powerful mental strongholds based on lies. Therefore, we must not be ignorant to such powerful concepts that have the potential to destroy everything this country was built on and made it the most Godly, free and prosperous nation in history.

Much of the ideological deception that is occurring is due to a misunderstanding of two terms, Equality versus Equity.

·         Equalitymeans INDIVIDUALS are treated equally under the law – regardless of who you are, you are viewed the same under the law and given the same opportunities. i.e. Entrance exams based on merit

·         Equity  – is about equality of GROUP outcomes – which is totally different – i.e. entrance exams  outcomes must be representative

·         The problem is that you cannot have equity without increased government enforcement and loss of freedom. And history has shown the promise of “Equity” is a lie, so ultimately you will lose both your equity and your freedom to the powerful elites who are deceiving you.

The revolutionists today believe that social responsibility and morality can be legislated, but who is to decide the standard by which they are set? Can government really solve the problems of the individual heart? They have never been able to do this before in history. The only way to make the world a better place is to make the individual better.

The Bible teaches that man’s greatest need is eternal life, and that man’s greatest problem is sin. Sin is the cause of death and fallenness in the world and must be forgiven by God through an acceptable sacrifice. Jesus said “Sin proceeds from the heart…” and the only reason God sent His Son to the earth to die was to provide the only way for humanity to receive forgiveness of sin and receive a new heart. The first thing that people need to understand is what sin is, and that the spiritual consequences of sin is judgement, death and hell.  Then people need to take responsibility for their sin by seeking forgiveness from God which was provided by Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross.

Just imagine what a wonderful world it would be if sin could be eliminated:

·         The rich would never oppress the poor

·         There would be no racism

·         Everyone would by employed and receive a just and adequate wage

·         No one would go hungry, there would be an abundance

·         Poverty would not be an issue

·         There would be no addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex and gambling

·         There would be no “mental illness”

·         There would be no liars, and everyone could be trusted

·         There would be no crime, murder or greed or power-hungry people

·         There would be no adultery, prostitution or sexual diseases

·         There would be no broken and fatherless homes

·         There would be no jails or need to lock your homes

·         There would be no cursing, anger or jealousy

·         There would be no death or funerals

·         There would be no war or military required

The kind of world described above can never be achieved by man because of one single problem – SIN.  To achieve a utopian world such as the Marxists proclaim they seek, requires going much further than mere social and legal reforms, it requires the elimination of SIN, and evil desires of the heart of all mankind.  When the heart of mankind is changed, only then can we have a better world.

Communism and Marxism does not go far enough, it is not revolutionary enough. Equal wages, redistribution of wealth, equal rights, social justice and efforts to save the environment will not eliminate the evil in human hearts, nor will it bring true and lasting happiness and peace in the heart. How can the Communist make the addict sober, the liar and thief honest and the immoral pure? Education cannot do it, laws cannot do it, new ways of thinking cannot do it. These have all been tried throughout history, yet the world has not gotten better, but has only become worse and worse.

Liberal governments and reformers can try to eliminate poverty, raise the minimum wage, reduce discrimination, feed the hungry, educate people and introduce better laws and I think these can be noble and worthwhile efforts if done in accordance with God’s standards, however, these efforts do not go far enough because they fail to deal with the root of the problem and the cause of all these effects.

Sin, or evil and selfish desires of the heart is the problem and there is only cure. Only Jesus Christ promised a solution that can change the hearts of humans, and make the proud humble, the liar honest, the mind renewed, the addict sober and sad and fearful hearts joyful and at true peace with God. What a revolutionary Jesus was! He claimed to have the solution to all the world’s problems, and billions of people, including myself and the founding fathers of Western democracies, have proved that His system works! Yes, Jesus attacked the root of the problem and provided a way for humanity to be saved from their sin! Now this is a program that not only reforms a person and society, but regenerates people from the inside, their very heart, soul and Spirit.

Since you and I are all sinners, that is why Jesus said “You must be born again”. Becoming “born again” is what the Bible calls the salvation of God, or spiritual redemption which was purchased for us through the blood of Jesus Christ at the Cross where He died and rose again after 3 days in the grave.


Jesus came to this earth the first time 2,000 years ago for the sole reason to provide that cure, which was His own blood that was shed on the Cross in Jerusalem.

This “better world” can only come in part now, since the majority of people will reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ and refuse to accept Him as their Lord and savior. But Jesus promised He would return again to bring the Kingdom of God to earth and eliminate all sin and evil-doers once and for all when man’s day finally comes to an end in total destruction and judgement by God.

I want to be clear that I am not talking about “religion”. Jesus didn’t come to found a religion, He came to give spiritual life and redeem people from sin. The church He created is not a building or religious system, but a world-wide body of believers in God and the Bible.

Jesus taught that this life is brief, and what we really need is eternal life. This life is just a preparation of the life to come, so we should prioritize our efforts in this life on bringing others to the knowledge of God’s plan of salvation for humans to live forever with Him.

Jesus came to show us the way to God and to eternal life, and He commanded all who want it to turn to Him (or repent) in faith, and believe that He is who He said He was, God, and that He sacrificed His life on the Cross and rose again after 3 days in the grave to defeat death, sin and Satan and make it possible for anyone to avoid judgement of their sin and to save your soul for eternity in Heaven. If you deny Christ and the Bible, Jesus says that He will deny you on the day you die and face judgement.

Is the Gospel Bigoted, Racist and Unfair?

Some modern revolutionaries will say that the Gospel has failed to address slavery, equality, poverty and that it is bigoted because it proclaims only one truth and one way to access God, namely through faith in Jesus Christ.

First of all, the traditional church has always spoke against moral injustices such as slavery and sin in general, and has been one of the greatest contributors to the poor and marginalized. In fact, when you compare Christian nations to non-Christian nations, you will find that Christian nations have always had a higher standard of living, more individual freedoms and standards of justice that were fair and well understood.

We admit that poverty is an issue, but Jesus said “the poor you will always have with you” and 3,500 years ago God said through Moses that “the poor shall never cease out of the land”. Poverty is often the result of man’s sinful choices such as waste, laziness, bad decisions, debt, extravagance and addiction.

All people are not created equal. We all have different God-given gifts such as talents, brains and ambition. If you divide the wealth equally, some will squander what they have away while others will use what they have to build more. These are Biblical principals and cannot be changed by government.

More fundamentally, the important question the church must ask is: what is the purpose of the church? Is its purpose to solve the social needs of the individual and society and eliminate racism, poverty and unhappiness? No, the church (and its influence through its members in government and institutions) should be instilling Christian principles in the hearts of people and indirectly effect the living conditions of society.  Governments are responsible for improving societal living conditions and ensuring its laws reflect justice based on Biblical principles, but it is the churches task to bring the Gospel message to society and teach God’s Word.

Jesus and the Apostles made no attempt to reorganize society, free slaves, eliminate poverty or interfere with politics. Their business was to preach the Gospel and bring souls to Christ and give people true joy and happiness.

The problem of the church today is “Liberalism” in interpreting the scriptures in a non-traditional way. This new interpretation no longer believes in the necessity of a “new birth”. If people are not lost, they have no need for a saviour. Christ is nothing more than an example and outward righteousness or respectability and moral conduct as defined by society is all that is needed for the modern “Christian”. Hell is no longer taught or even believed in by many church leaders and sin is taboo to even mention. The human heart is not bad, we are good inside and just need an realize our potential. This type of teaching is the opposite of what the Bible teaches, and only in the last 150 years has this demonic deception taken over the seminaries and churches in the world.

Without the new birth, which requires an acknowledgement of your lost and sinful soul and your need for the saving grace of Jesus Christ, you cannot receive the forgiveness of sin and are following a vain man-made philosophy that is foreign to the main message of the Bible, which is God’s redemption of man’s lost soul through His Son’s sacrifice on the Cross.

This may sound old-fashioned, but it is truth. People need salvation. The real church of Jesus Christ has always focused on the conversion of lost souls, the teaching of believers and getting the Gospel out to the world. That is the business of the church and the only way to build a better world.

The Church’s Role in these Times

Many people are upset at the radical changes taking place around the world since Covid19 came on the stage in early 2020. We have witnessed the world transform into a global authoritarian form of government, where local decisions on our health, civil liberties and freedoms are being determined by unelected organizations based in Europe. All indications are that everyone will soon require a “mark” or a vaccination passport and a global ID number in order to buy and sell. Never before in history have these conditions been present, and this is exactly what God says to expect in the final 3 and half years of the earth’s existence. There is absolutely no doubt that we are in the last days of the prophesises of Revelation 13. This is where it foretells that everyone will be required to take the “mark of the beast” by the Antichrist, who will be the world’s final leader of the first global empire since the Roman Empire 2,000 years ago.

What should Christians do? Should we blindly obey government or should we cling to our previous convictions of democracy and freedom and fight for our constitutional rights?

You see, we cannot change things that the Bible promises must come to pass. The Bible says that in the last days “Evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse”. The pictures painted in the Bible of these last days are growing class hatred (nation will come against nation), wars and rumors of wars, famine , disease, men’s hearts failing them for fear, lack of natural affection, liars and promise breakers, despisers of those who do good and haters of Christ.

The plan of some to save the world through protest will fail. But the plan of others to go along with the world and compromise with it will also fail. The world will hate the true church and persecute the people of God, just as in the early days of Christianity. Jesus said in Luke 6:26: “Woe unto you when all men speak well of you.”

In these days of disease, sexual immorality and denying God, we can conclude that the world is doomed. It is getting darker by the week and the ship is going down. Your lost loves ones who have not been saved through putting their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are headed to eternal darkness.

You and I cannot usher in the Kingdom of God, only Jesus Christ can do that at the appointed time. The prayer Jesus taught us that says “The Kingdom come”, will be answered soon and Jesus Christ will take His place as King. Man’s age is coming to an end, and God’s Kingdom will reign soon.

To the people who think themselves to be wise, including activists and Christian leaders who think that political philosophy and utopian ideas will make the world a better place, God says you are dead wrong and will be put to shame as a fool. Our founding fathers of this great nation knew this, and chose God’s way rather than man’s philosophy, but now you think you have found a better way, which in reality is the just the same old failed ideas of history.

In 1 Corinthians 1 it says:

18 For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written:

“I will destroy the wisdom of the wise,
And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.”

20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?  21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 

If you truly want to make the world a better place and to live a better life for all eternity, then join the army of God and follow the greatest revolutionary ever, Jesus Christ, for His way is the only Truth and the only way to enter the eternal Kingdom of God.

The one and only thing for the Christian to do is to try and save as many people as they can before it is too late. God’s will for us is to go share the Gospel to everyone you know. It’s a wonderful thing to be a child of God, but Jesus has also commanded us to be His follower, and obey Him. Therefore we now have a new purpose in life, to glorify God by sharing the Gospel of His grace and loving others.

That is how to make the world a better place. First admit your lost sinful ways and your need for God to forgive you, and then accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and trust in Him and His Words. Then go share the good news of the Cross, for it is the power of God to Salvation and the only way to achieve a better life.


Darryl M. - Founder of Crossroad of Truth

July 12, 2021